For clarity, we are will use the following color scheme:
Green: |
The title |
Orange: |
XThe mistakeX |
Yellow: |
Explanation |
White: |
Correct examples |
Ask and ask for
I asked for a beer. I ordered a beer. | XPregunté por una cerveza.X |
Preguntar = to ask (when you want to know something) Pedir = to ask for (when you want something) |
I asked for a beer. I ordered a beer. | Pedí una cerveza. |
I asked him if he had beer. | Le pregunté si tenia cerveza. |
I didn’t realize. | XNo me realicé.X |
“Realizar”: means to carry out, execute, to make, to conduct. If you want to say “realize” in Spanish you have to say: “Darse cuenta”. | |
I didn’t realize. | No me di cuenta. |
She carried out her plan. | Ella realizó su plan. |
I remember that day
I remember that day. | XMe recuerdo de aquel día.X |
“Recordar” (to remember) does not have a reflexive pronoun, nor “de”. Recordar a alguien = remember someone |
I remember that day. | Recuerdo aquel día. (o: Me acuerdo de aquel dia) |
Do you remember Juan? | ¿Recuerdas a Juan? |
The more I see him the more I like him
The more I see him the more I like him. | XLo más que lo veo lo más que me gusta.X |
Just get used to the Spanish construction using “Cuanto”. | |
The more I see him the more I like him. | En cuanto más lo veo, más me gusta.(o: entre mas lo veo, mas me gusta) |
The more I study the more I learn. | En cuanto más estudio, más aprendo. |
The less you smoke the better you feel. | En cuanto menos fumas, mejor te sientes. |
More than
More than twenty. | XMás que veinte.X |
Normally we use “que” eg. “más que yo” = “more than I”, but when we use numbers we use “de”. | |
There were more than 20 people at the conference. | Había más de 20 personas en la conferencia. |
He knows more than I. | El sabe más que yo. |
The person I live with
The boy I live with. | XEl chico que vivo con.X |
Prepositions never come at the end of a sentence in Spanish. The preposition must come before a noun, a pronoun or an article. | |
The boy I live with. | El chico con quien vivo. / El chico con el que vivo. |
Whom can I speak to? | ¿Con quién puedo hablar? |
He’s dressed in red
He’s dressed in red. | XEstá vestido en rojo.X |
When we use dressed in + “a color” we use “de”. | |
He’s dressed in red. | Está vestido de rojo. |
I supported his decision | XSoportaba su decisión.X |
“Soportar” = “to tolerate” or “to put up with” or “to stand (have patience for)”. In most cases we use “apoyar”. | |
I supported his decision. | Yo apoyaba su decisión. |
I can’t stand Juan. | No soporto a Juan. |
I like adventure stories. | XMe gustan las cuentas de aventurasX |
Cuento = story or tale Contar una historia = to tell a story Cuenta = Cuenta bancaria = bank account Cuenta = a sum (mathematical calculation) Cuenta = Bill in a restaurant: Note that we use “cuenta” for a bill with food and drinks, but for other types of bill we use “factura” eg. plumbers, in the garage etc. |
I like adventure stories. | Me gustan los cuentos de aventuras. |
I don’t have any money in my account. | No tengo fondos en mi cuenta. |
They always make mistakes in the bill. | Siempre se equivocan en la cuenta. |
Can you bring us the bill please? | ¿Nos trae la cuenta, por favor? |
Take someone / Take something
I took my son to the airport. | XTomé a mi hijo al aeropuerto.X |
To express the idea of giving someone a lift or taking someone somewhere, we use the verb “llevar”. To express the idea of taking something such as a pill, a drink, a bus, etc. we use the verb “tomar”. |
I took my son to the airport. | Llevé a mi hijo al aeropuerto. |
My son took a taxi to the airport. | Mi hijo tomo un taxi al aeropuerto. |
He drank a lot and the next morning he had a hangover. | XBebió mucho y la próxima mañana tenía resaca.X |
The “próxima/o” (next) is only used in the present and the future. In the past we must use “siguiente” (the following). | |
He drank a lot and the next morning he had a hangover. | Bebió mucho y la mañana siguente tenía resaca. |
They met in 1990 and they will get married next year. | Se conocieron en 1990 y se van a casar el año próximo. |
It was a success
The film was a big success in Argentina. | XLa película tuvo mucho suceso en ArgentinaX. |
Success in Spanish is “éxito”. “Suceso” is an event. | |
The film was a big success in Argentina. | La pelicula tuvo mucho éxito en Argentina. |
The event took place in the city. | El suceso tomó lugar en la ciudad. |
I will be here for 6 months
I will be here for five days. | XVoy a estar aquí por cinco días.X |
This is the answer to the question. How long are you going to be here? In Spanish you have to say “voy a estar aquí” or the meaning is unclear. |
I will be here for five days. | Voy a estar aquí cinco dias. |
In the morning
In the morning | Xen la mañanaX |
The problem is the preposition “en” it should be “por” or “de”. |
We use “por” when we speak about an approximate time:
eg: Por la tarde doy un paseo. = I go for a walk in the evening.
We use “de” when we speak about the exact time:
eg: A las 5 de la tarde doy un paseo. = I go for a walk at 5 o clock in the the morningpor la mañana:early in the morningtemprano por la mañanaat middayal mediodíaat lunchtimea la hora de comer/a la hora de almorzarin the eveningpor la tardeat midnighta medianochein the early hours of the morningpor la madrugada
I live in the Suburbs
I live in the suburbs. | XVivo en los suburbiosX |
The “suburbios” in Spanish is a conflictive area of a city with poverty and other problems. It is not a good translation of “suburb” or “outskirts” | |
I live in the suburbs of Bogota. | Vivo en las afueras de Bogotá. |
To move
I’m going to move to another house. | XVoy a moverme a otra casa.X |
When you want to say “to move” in the sense of changing where you live you have to use the verb “mudarse”. “Moverse” is to move as in movement. “Correrse” is to move over. |
I’m going to move to another house. | Voy a mudarme a otra casa. |
The dancer moves with grace. | La bailarina se mueve con gracia. |
Please move over. | Córrete por favor. |
Regarding / To respect
I don’t know anything regarding this subject. | XNo sé nada respeto a este asunto.X |
You must respect your wife. | *Debes respectar a tu esposa.* |
“Respecto a” (regarding) and “respeto” (respect). | |
I don’t know anything regarding this subject. | No sé nada respecto a este asunto. |
You must respect your wife. | Debes respetar a tu esposa. |
My oldest / youngest brother
My oldest/youngest brother | XMi hermano más viejo/jovenX |
You have to use “mayor” or “menor”. | |
My oldest brother lives in Guatemala. | Mi hermano mayor vive en Guatemala. |
Patricia is my youngest daughter. | Patricia es mi hija menor. |
Look for – Search
I am looking for my book. | XEstoy mirando para mi libro.X |
“Mirando para” doesn’t exist, it’s a literal translation from English. You can use “buscar” but it has no preposition. Note: When the thing we are looking for is a person we add “a” after “buscar”. |
I am looking for my book. | Estoy buscando mi libro. |
I am looking at the book. | Estoy mirando el libro. |
Did you buy the tickets for the cinema? | X¿Compraste los billetes para el cine?X |
“Boletos” or “Pasajes” are for travel tickets. We use “entradas” for ticket to the theater or cinema or shows. By the way: A showing in the cinema is the “la sesión” A performance at the theatre is “la función” |
Did you buy the tickets for the cinema? | ¿Compraste las entradas para el cine? |
Did you buy the train tickets? | ¿Compraste los boletos para el tren? |